Lowering the cost of production

A gateway to the green future

We are committed to improving annual energy saving  and minimizing total life cycle costs , along with cutting back on operational costs.

 This formula works even better if the energy come by the exhaust air


Decrease annual energy production cost

High availability and great efficiency  make a winning combination to reduce the annual energy production cost . The simplest way is to keep the exhaust form turbine plants to produce a constant  high-quality energy (thermal and Electrical ).

The Renergy+ systems feature a highly serviceable design to minimize the need for maintenance and increase production time, leading to the highest possible availability.

2: Minimize total life cycle costs

Cutting back on total life cycle costs means scrutinizing the expenses associated with both the initial capital investment as well as the operating and maintenance costs over the lifetime of the equipment.

All products from Renergy+ require minimal maintenance and feature a highly serviceable design to speed up maintenance routines.

3: Extend lifetime of the equipment

A good purpose-built design, well-selected materials and components, and a carefully planned maintenance program can lengthen the lifetime of the equipment substantially.

Current designs from Renergy+  have already been calculated to last longer than 15 years.